OMNIPOPS Cheap Options Day Trading Signals $15,340 in One Day Example

OMNIPOPS Cheap Options Day Trading Signals $15,340 in One Day Example with 10 Contracts on CAT

These are stock day trading signals, 1 day pops trades too for those who like to trade stocks. It’s super easy to trade.  Get in before close and out before close the next day.  Sometimes we do have a breakout pop but most days it’s on close to close. 

Here is a fun example of a nice pop in CAT.  But it’s also presented to show how we are able to get great, very good probability gains on cheap, high delta options while day trading only a couple minutes a day on top of that. 

These types of moves happen from time to time. 

But we’re trading the OMNIPOPS system so we put out the system signals for you as a service.  Most are entries before the close.  We’ve recently started getting our signal out earlier vs before to give more time.  Then the object is to get in before the close, 2 to 10 minutes and then get out the next day. Why?

Because the opportunities are there in the market’s price action.  We just built a system around it.  WE are focused right now on building cash flow generation style systems and signals for folks.   Because no cash flow = no fun!

Here’s a sample of OMNIPOPS on CAT  or system’s results performance:  2023 Jan 1 to April (number rounded down)
+1-1+9+5-.5+5+6+3-3+5+7+4+3+6+0+4+2+3+9+2+1+3+2+3-2-3+4+1-2+7+3+.4-3+4-2+9+3+3-2+7.7-3+9+12+2-2+7+1-3+6+4+5+1+3+1+2+3+2+5+.5+12+4+2 =+180.1 STOP APRIL 6
FOR HIGH DELTA OPTIONS COULD BE $150,000 ON 10 CTS OR $15,000 ON 1 CT.  for about 3 months.  180 profit points (on the stock) for CAT in 3 months is ridiculously good. 

For bigger images Check Out More Info on OMNIPOPS for Cheap High Delta Vanilla Weekly Options Trading Signals

Check Out More Info on OMNIPOPS for Cheap High Delta Vanilla Weekly Options Trading Signals


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