3 Powerful Short Term Options Trading Strategies to Outperform the Market in Any Environment

3 Powerful Short Term Options Trading Strategies to Outperform the Market in Any Environment

3 Powerful Short Term Options Trading Strategies to Outperform the Market in Any Environment

While buy-and-hold investing has its place, active short term options provide exponentially greater profit potential. This guide details high probability setups holding 1 week or less.

Earnings Play Straddles

Buy straddles 1-3 days before anticipated high volatility earnings reports. Sell half on big moves, hold remainder through results for extended moves. Target 20-50% returns.

IV Rank Reversion Trades

Sell puts or calls when IV Rank hits the 80+ range on charts.

Continue reading 3 Powerful Short Term Options Trading Strategies to Outperform the Market in Any Environment at Options Weekly Paychecks.

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